Some general info
Sesshin schedule 2021 (all sesshins are 7-days)
13.-20. February
17.-24. April
5.-12. June
31. July - 7. August
9.-16. October
4.-11. December
Schedule Sanneji
5.15 Wake-up
5.40-7.10 Zazen and chanting
8.00 Breakfast (formal, in silence)
8.40 Work meeting
10.10 Tea break
10.40 Work continues
12.10 Lunch (formal, in silence) followed by dishes and other work until 13.10.
15.00-16.30 Zazen
19.00-21.10 Zazen
All zazen is formal (we use robes if we have). The zazen rounds are 40 minutes except for in the morning when we sit 1 hour. There is a bell in the middle of the round when it’s possible to stretch the legs and change posture if needed.
Between the afternoon and evening zazen people can serve themselves supper from the leftovers from lunch.
Our training temple Sanneji, located in Karjaa, has been up running for the whole autumn. There have been two talkoot and two sesshins arranged. A lot of work has been done inside the main building; for example floors and walls have been opened up and an altar has been built. The Buddha statue and temple instruments that were generously donated by members have found their places and been used in our day-to-day zen training.
We are five people living full time here and a few people are coming and staying for longer periods when possible. We have also had many visitors during the autumn coming for one or more days and joining us in the temple life.
If you are interested in coming to Sanneji outside of sesshin then here is some information:
Weekdays for arrival
It's possible to come and participate for just a few hours or stay overnight for one night or more.
Wednesday-Sunday are days with a normal schedule.
On Mondays the schedule ends after the lunch dishes and the free time for residents starts and continues until Wednesday morning. During this time we generally don't accept visitors. If you are staying for one week or more, you can of course be here over the free day.
Hours for arrival and departure
Usually the best time to arrive or depart is during the mid-morning between 9-11.30 or in the afternoon between 15.30-18.00.
Arrival or departure by train
The nearest train station is Karjaa. From there we can pick you up by car, the ride is about 7 minutes.
Sangen-sensei gives dokusan on a regular basis, but for visitors it's also possible to ask for dokusan when there is a need.
Things to bring
- sheets
- towel
- clothes suitable for work
- clothes suitable for zazen (preferably neural looking, one-coloured clothes)
During the winter it can be a little chill indoors, especially in the zendo, so it's good to bring some warm clothing.
Sannäsintie 418, 10300 Raasepori
Cost and bank details
There is no set cost for staying in Sanneji, but people who come here can support this place by giving dana. Usually people give 10-35 eur per night to help pay for the food and heating etc.
Bank account for donations:
Helsinki Zen Center ry/Sannäs
IBAN: FI24 4170 0010 1784 20
IBAN: FI24 4170 0010 1784 20
If you want to visit Sanneji or have any questions, you can contact the zendoleader by e-mail:
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