Some general info
Sesshin schedule 2021 (all sesshins are 7-days) 13.-20. February 17.-24. April 5.-12. June 31. July - 7. August 9.-16. October 4.-11. December Schedule Sanneji 5.15 Wake-up 5.40-7.10 Zazen and chanting 8.00 Breakfast (formal, in silence) 8.40 Work meeting 10.10 Tea break 10.40 Work continues 12.10 Lunch (formal, in silence) followed by dishes and other work until 13.10. 15.00-16.30 Zazen 19.00-21.10 Zazen All zazen is formal (we use robes if we have). The zazen rounds are 40 minutes except for in the morning when we sit 1 hour. There is a bell in the middle of the round when it’s possible to stretch the legs and change posture if needed. Between the afternoon and evening zazen people can serve themselves supper from the leftovers from lunch. Our training temple Sanneji, located in Karjaa, has been up running for the whole autumn. There have been two talkoot and two sesshins arranged. A lot of work has been done ins...