
Some general info

  Sesshin schedule 2021 (all sesshins are 7-days) 13.-20. February 17.-24. April   5.-12. June   31. July - 7. August   9.-16. October   4.-11. December Schedule Sanneji  5.15 Wake-up 5.40-7.10 Zazen and chanting  8.00 Breakfast (formal, in silence) 8.40 Work meeting 10.10 Tea break 10.40 Work continues  12.10 Lunch (formal, in silence) followed by dishes and other work until 13.10. 15.00-16.30 Zazen 19.00-21.10 Zazen All zazen is formal (we use robes if we have). The zazen rounds are 40 minutes except for in the morning when we sit 1 hour. There is a bell in the middle of the round when it’s possible to stretch the legs and change posture if needed.  Between the afternoon and evening zazen people can serve themselves supper from the leftovers from lunch.    Our training temple Sanneji, located in Karjaa, has been up running for the whole autumn. There have been two talkoot and two sesshins arranged. A lot of work has been done ins...


The name A few words about our temple’s name here in Sannäs, Karjaa. After going through some possible name variants we decided to give the name Sanneji for this Zen-training facility. Now for some weeks we have called this Sanneji and it just feels right.   As you may notice it sounds much like Sannäs, the geographical name of the place, and that was what we hoped would happen with the new name.  So, it became Sanneji.  Sanneji  = 参根寺  San  参  means e.g. ”going” and ”visiting” (same kanji is in my name ;).  Ne  根  means e.g. ”root”, ”source, ”origin” and ”one’s true nature.  Ji  寺 stands for the Buddhist temple. ”Sann” in Swedish means ”true”. Ps. I updated our new name also for in the two previous posts. 
Sanneji, daily schedule Here it is, Sanneji’s daily schedule: Päiväohjelma/Dagsschema  5.15 Herätys/Väckning  5.40 Zazen ja resitaatio/recitation  8.00 Aamiainen/Frukost  8.40 Työkokous ja työ/Arbetsmöte och arbete  10.10 Teetauko/Tepaus  10.30 Työ/Arbete  12.10 Lounas/Lunch  12.40 Jälkisiivous/uppstädning  13.10 Tauko/Paus  14.00 Zazen  17.30 Illallinen/Kvällsmål  19.00 Zazen    This is our current schedule outside of sesshins. Let’s walk it through! Wake up bell at 5.15 . Simple as that. With help of little determination we make it to the Zendo in time. Formal Zazen begins at 5.40 . We sit two 30 minutes rounds, bell in the middle for those who wants to change posture. Afterwards kinhin. After kinhin we will have chanting.  8.00 we start with a formal breakfast including a meal chant, food offerings etc. Breakfast is eaten in silence. Preparing the breakfast is a task that...
Hi everyone! This I  didn't  plan to be my first blog writing ever, but I happened to find one video from  YouTube  that I want to share with  you and therefore I must start this blog now. (This blog was going to be starting soon anyway.) Eva Spoof from Udumbara Studio, is making eating bowls here in this video for Sanneji. Sanneji is our  year-round training center dedicated to Zen practice located in Karjaa, Finland. We are so much in the beginning with the retreat center that we don't yet have web-page for it. But practice as well as renovation/building projects are all starting in this summer. This blog I planned to be a channel for introducing some ideas why a certain things are done in Sanneji in a certain way. Although Zen doesn't explain but rather is doing what needs to be done, here I will say a few words why we have Sanneji's way, the way it is.  For example these eating bowls a...